Java is a programming language and a platform.
Java is a high level, robust, secured and object-oriented programming language.
Platform: Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs, is known as a platform. Since Java has its own runtime environment (JRE) and API, it is called platform.
1.Getting Started With Java SE
- What is java?
- Installing Java:
- The jdk Directory Structure:
- Sdk Structure:
- OOPS Concept:
- Java Language:
- Java Virtual Machine:
- World Wide Web and Java:
- Java Platform:
2.First Java Programs
- Writing Your first Java program “Hello World” your first small step towards learning Java:
- Program Structure:
- Output in Java:
- Variables and Expressions:
3.Data types and variables
- Primitive DataTypes:
- Variable Names:
- Numeric Literals:
- Character Literals:
- String:
- String Literals:
4.Introduction to Objects:
- Object Models:
- Classes and Objects:
- Abstract methods and Classes:
- Input in Java:
- Input Wrapper Class:
- Packages:
5. Data Types and Operators
- Strong Typing:
- Integer Data Types:
- Floating Point:
- Conversions Between Types:
- Arithmatic Operators:
- Doing Math in Java:
- Precedence:
- Errors in Integer Arithmatic:
6.Control Flow
7.Booleans and Enumerations:
8.Loops and Program Flow: