SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) supports you in all activities connected with the physical transportation of goods from one location to another. You can use SAP TM to perform the following activities, for example: Create forwarding orders for your ordering parties Transfer orders and deliveries from an SAP system Create freight bookings Plan the transportation and select carriers Tender transportation services Dispatch and monitor the transportation Calculate the transportation charges for both the ordering party and the supplier side Consider foreign trade and dangerous goods regulations You can use SAP TM to create and monitor an efficient transportation plan that fulfills the relevant constraints (for example, service level, costs, and resource availability). You can determine options to save costs and to optimize the use of available resources. You can react to transportation events and find solutions to possible deviations from the original transportation plan.
Timings: Week days 1-2 Hours per day (or) Weekends: 2-3 Hours per day
Method: Online/Classroom Training
Study Material: Soft Copy
System Access: For 1 month
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Module | Classroom/Online | Location |
SAP EWM | Online Instructor-Led | Online |
SAP TM | Online Instructor-Led | Online |
SAP GTS | Online Instructor-Led | Online |
SAP MM | Online Instructor-Led | Online |